My name is Brenna and I have have a plethora of hobbies in and out of school. I enjoy to sew and create new clothes with old ones that no longer interest me. I am apart of multiple sports such as swim, track, and water-pollo. I participate in these sports at least five days a week for two hours. A part of my weekly routine is to enjoy time with my friends. The ocean is also a way I enjoy to destress and spend time with my friends and family, there are numerous health benefits to spending time at the beach and going in the ocean. I spend y time with positive and funny people because I am a firm believer that you are who you hang out with. I also regularly go to the gym and workout for my health and well being. Trying new foods and recipes is a new thing I have recently overcome. I have also recently learned how to crochet and I am loving learning how to make new things. I have a large interest in fashion and love to watch fashion shows for large brands such as Schiaparelli, Versace...