Title Research; The Happiest Millionaire

 What titles are displayed during opening sequences? They displayed the production company as the first title, they then displayed the title. the stars and main actor names were displayed shorty after the directors, editors, and set directors were displayed. The names of assistants and makeup designers were also in the movie which I found strange because that is not normally in movies especially from big production company's like Disney.

  What images are displayed during the opening images? The opening images were cartoon people since the movie in a animated film from 1967 The introduction shows cartoon people dressed classy in a hotel lobby and has people checking in and waling up to their rooms. They did this to set up the image of a millionaire living in five star hotel.

 How does the film establish a genre? The film shows multiple jokes throughout the movie that gave the movie its "comedy" genre and it included lots of sarcasm and pranks regularly to keep people laughing throughout the movie.


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